Los Alamitos PTA Committees
At Los Alamitos there are a number of committees and opportunities that are focused on enhancing & nurturing our students' school experience as well as to help our school community flourish!
We need your help in order to make the many programs we offer possible! Commitments range in terms of the time required so if you have any questions on any of the positions below please don’t hesitate to ask!
If you're interested in volunteering for a particular committee, click here to sign-up or reach out to us at LosAlamitosPTA@gmail.com
The following is a list of our committees and the sub-committees under each area. We are looking for volunteer(s) to lead the highlighted committee/sub-committees for next year AND volunteers to help out for each of these programs/events.
For more information, reach out to the VP of the committee listed, the sub-committee lead, OR LosAlamitosPTA@gmail.com
- Assemblies - Sogol Jacks
- Art Vista - Laura Jackson and Grace deLottinville
- Expect Respect - Ami Patel and Alicia Cervantes
- Project Cornerstone - Kate Zamani
- Science-o-Rama - Julia Lin and Jessie Yamamoto
- Bubblefest - Milicent Falk and Kiana Hackett
- School Site Improvement - OPEN
- Library Support - OPEN
- Green Team - OPEN
COMMUNICATIONS - Juliana Sullivan
Bulletin Boards - Lisa Aiken and Tiffany Chow
Weekly Newsletter - Juliana Sullivan
Website - Anahita Goshtasbi
MTK SKU updates - Reyhaneh Lahmy
School Sign - Danielle Cashen
Room Parent Coordinator - Kelly Haan
Social Media - Sogol Jacks
Flyer Design - Shohreh Khodabakhshi
EVENTS AND RECOGNITION - OPEN for the 2024-25 school year
Father/Daughter Dance - Genevieve Johnson and Amy Lazzini
Mother/Son Event - Genevieve Johnson and Amy Lazzini
Multi-Cultural Fair - Maysa Rohana
Munch-N-Movie Night - Carrie Toolson
Staff Appreciation - Genevieve Johnson
Variety Show - OPEN
- Book Fair (Scholastic) - Laura Jackson
- Book Fair (Hicklebee's) - Laura Jackson
Yearbook - Sogol Jacks
WAYS AND MEANS - Andrea Capela
- PTA Membership and Dandy Drive - Garvi Koushik
- Dandy Day, Overall Lead - Andrea Capela and Laura Jackson
- Dandy Day, Walk-a-thon - Greg Lowe
- Dandy Day, Games & Booths - Maysa Rohana
- Dandy Day, Communications - Reeba Thomas
- Dandy Day, Concessions - Dillon Okner
- Penguin Patch - Laura Jackson and Enza Pollifrone
- Family Fun Nights - Arianna Gidvani
- School Supply Kits - Garvi Koushik
- Spirit Wear - Juliana Sullivan
- SCRIP/eSCRIP - Stephanie Pearson-Phillips